Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Principal Lay

  1. Personally, I don't think it would be a bad thing to teach religion in school, but then again, you can't just shove a religion down someone's throat. People believe different things. Those who want to participate in that could and those who do not want to participate shouldn't have to. I don't feel that school officials should be arrested for saying a prayer or anything.
  2. Pros: inform and teach people about God. Cons: different kinds of Christianity, conflict in religions.  

Bill of Rights Scenario

  1. The amendment being violated is the fourth amendment because they went into her house without having a search warrant or any valid reason to arrest her but did so anyway because they saw a bomb under the couch.
  2. The amendment being violated is the first amendment because they did not allow him to have his meeting because of something that happened 2 years ago. The took away his right to have the meeting.
  3. The amendment being violated is the ninth amendment because the governement can't just come in and take her house from her like that.
  4. The amendment being violated is the first amendment because it is violating freedom of religion.
  5. The amendment being violated is the eighth amendment because they denied him a Lawyer and they just threw him in jail because they think he is the guy that stole from the store. They also are holding him accountable for German troops killing his grandfather in the war a while back.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Branches of Government

This political cartoon is depicting how the different branches of Government blame each other instead of themselves when something goes wrong.
I think that this picture shows an accurate representation of the way our Government is because there are so many people in the Government who do not take the responsibility for their own wrong actions. Not all are that way, but some are.